Friday, January 28, 2011

Some thoughts about (pop) music/setup list

Well I happened to end up listening to some pop music the other day, although I never was and still don't like mass produced pop music too much, it is worth knowing 'what all the kids are listening to nowadays'. I found it very interesting that a lot of it is heavily electro influenced. Really, some songs just need to swap some vocals for instrumental parts and they'd make a perfectly normal electro track. There is plenty of pop that isn't electro influenced but it seems there is a very large chunk of it that is. What all of them seem to have in common though is auto-tune. I personally have no qualms with auto-tune since I'm a fan of the overly auto-tuned vocals anyway, much more so then what your average pop track employs. Still, what seems to get me is that the average listener doesn't quite notice or care. I could easily go into a long brick of text about pop music is just a face and person on a song and how watching a half hour of MTV can make you loose all hope for humanity, but I probably shouldn't.

As for things headphone related, guess it'd be a nice idea to list off my current setup. I'd take pictures, but the combination of a bad camera and my terrible photo skills makes that a bad idea.

Audio Technica AD700
Audio Techinca M50
Grado SR 60
Grado/Alessandro MS1
Sennheiser HD 25 1-II
Koss Portapro (Not quite working)
Yuin G2A (Also not quite working)
Yuin PK2 (Yeah this one is missing a cable as well)

Nuforce Icon Mobile (Ugh)
Fiio E5 (In the floor somewhere)
Little Dot MK2 (Space heater)
Fiio E3 (Broken, actually)

Cowon X5L
Sony D33
Sony D2 (Skip.....skip......skip....)
Sony PS1 SCPH 1001

Yes a PS1, yes it's probably as good as a CD player costing a few grand, no there isn't a damn audible difference between it and my D33, or my X5L really. More on all of that in a later article.

Sansa Clip+
Sansa Fuze
Cowon Q5W (Awwwe yeeeerr)
Native Instruments Audio 2 DJ

Oh dear much too much. I'm listening to bonkers volume 10 right now if it makes any difference to you though.

Looks like enough text for today, I'll try and make new posts every other day if possible.


Monday, January 24, 2011

And a blog begins

Hello guys and welcome to heard fone's place. Lots of talking about headphones, good bit of talking about other stuff. Lots of talking in general.

I'll save the gear for another post.